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Car Accident? 5 Secrets insurance companies don't want you to know...

If you are actively dealing with an insurance company due to a car accident, there are some things you should know. First, you may be under surveillance! Yes, I said it...surveillance! Insurance companies pay big money for private investigators to post up near your home or, follow you to the grocery store or other places in an attempt to negate your claim. Every insurance company is different but, based on my experience, this scenario is more likely to occur if you are claiming serious injuries and have already filed your lawsuit.

Second, if you have ever been in an accident before, you might as well fess up. Insurance companies have access to summary reports which will tell them if you have ever filed a claim with an insurance company.

Third, the insurance company will want to see documentation supporting your claim. If you need repairs to your vehicle, you need a property damage estimate. If you need reimbursement for medical treatment due to your injury, you need your medical bills and records. However, do not sign a medical authorization. Depending on the language of the medical authorization, the insurance company could gain authority to obtain records not only subject to your accident but, also before your accident. They can also continue to request your records freely in the future with the use of your medical authorization. Instead, tell the insurance company you will gather the medical records yourself.

Fourth, in Virginia, if you in any way contributed to causing the accident, you completely loose out on your claim. This is called contributory negligence. The insurance company look for reasons to deny your claim. Therefore, choose your words wisely. If the other driver was at fault, SAY IT!

Fifth, don't get discouraged. Often, people give up on their claim. Let Poindexter Law, LLC do the heavy lifting, so you can get back to life.

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